After Chinese New Year, Lucky continues its R&D efforts on the color film project.
A Rednote user mentioned receiving three rolls of samples from Lucky. Two are ISO50 black and white, very fine grain film, while the other is an ISO10 slide film. The slide film appears different from current color films, lacking a color mask, and seems closer to a low ISO duplicate film like Kodak 2254. It’s likely that this slide film is for testing purposes, with the final product expected to be a color negative. Although Lucky has produced slide film in the past, the chances of a new slide film release are low, given the declining popularity of slide film and the poor E-6 processing ecosystem.
Recently, a new Instagram account called Luckyfilmglobal has been active, claiming to be the US team for Lucky color film. However, research suggests this account is not managed by Lucky, the state-owned enterprise from Hebei, China. Lucky operates conservatively and doesn’t even have an official Chinese social media account. It’s more likely that Luckyfilmglobal is run by a US dealer who sells Lucky black and white film and is now marketing the upcoming color film to boost potential business.
For more firsthand infomation about the Lucky color film project, please follow our blog posts.